by Stoof | Dec 22, 2019 | South America
SpoilerWe never actually went to the base of Las Torres We spent Christmas in a tent, about halfway through the Torres del Paine trek, at the Francés campsite. We did things a bit differently, though. Our ‘TDP adventure’ started in Puerto Natales, boarding a boat to...
by Stoof | Oct 4, 2019 | Myanmar
One of Markus’ initiatives while here was to upgrade the volunteer room we were sleeping in (much to our delight). After two days trying to teach the English class alone, the teacher came back on Monday, as we were beginning the cleaning of the volunteer room. I was...
by Stoof | Sep 30, 2019 | Myanmar
The next day, Marc and I got into our stride, helping in the clinic; “Markus” called us into a meeting in the evening (the first actual sit-down any of us had had with him). We thought he had noticed the shopping we had done and wanted to hear our thoughts and...
by Stoof | Sep 28, 2019 | Myanmar
Weekend!! And it couldn’t be more welcome! Our first week here has been very intense and so much has happened that it wouldn’t all fit in one post. We arrived at Aung Myae Oo monastic school in Sagaing around noon last Wednesday and met the principal and (after some...
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